オーストラリアの魚介類の本です。\r生息地域や切り身などが載っていて、図鑑のような感じです。\r読まなくても、こんな魚が居るんだなって見てるだけでも楽しいです。\r\r出版社 : Csiro (1999/7/1)\r発売日 : 1999/7/1\r言語 : 英語\rハードカバー : 469ページ\r\rFunded by the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation to eliminate confusion over seafood names in Australia, this identification guide lists all major Australian domestic species. Each entry includes the approved common name and scientific name, alternative names, a color photograph of the creature (and, where applicable, its fillet), identifying features, comparisons, size, habitat (with distribution map), fishery data, and remarks. Also includes details on each species' protein fingerprint and oil composition. Distributed by Accents Publications Service. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)